Spring is in the Air. You can feel it everywhere. The birds are singing, even when it is colder than normal. And when the sun shines it is getting warmer. For all the Bikers and Classic enthusiasts that means butterflies again in their stomach. Because it is almost time to get the rides out of their hibernation. To hit the road and make new memories with their beloved vehicles. I know the feeling. Me at Classic Cars Bikes and More feel the same. I love it! It means time for meetings and shows.
Meetings and shows.
Whole winter you are getting your pride and joy ready for this season. To show it at all the nice meetings and shows. To see your old friends from the scene again and talk about old classics and custom bikes. With a nice BBQ and some drinks. I know I can’t wait. But there is also the issue of the enthusiasts who really want to go, but don’t have the time or skills to build themselves or restore themselves such a beautiful classic vehicle. That’s where Classic Cars Bikes and More comes in. Read further to see what I can do for you.
getting things done.
At this moment it is a bit of a busy workplace. Not only because of the projects that has to be done. But also because I also have to look further ahead to get also some new projects in. I have still a lot of projects going. But I have said to myself first getting the longest projects out now before spring/summer. And then take on some new projects. Because the shop is crowded at the moment. A little view from the shop.
Classic Cars Bikes and More can be your trustworthy partner in the issue that you have no time or enough skills to make yourself such a beautiful classic Vehicle. Or you want to buy or sell a beautiful CLASSIC! It doesn’t matter if it is a Custom build bike or a Custom build classic car. Or part restoration of your Classic. Also I can search your dream Vehicle for you. I ship internationally. I always give the customer the best and most special treatment to make sure to have the best experience.
how further?
So to be a client of Classic Cars Bikes and More means you are not buying “just” a Classic Vehicle or Custom Bike.Or let it build by me. You buy a total experience from begin to end. Also you will be adopted in the Classic Cars Bikes and More community. That’s not only national but also International! Just give me a Call or Click HERE to fill out the contact form. I will get back to you within 24 hours.
what to do in the springtime?
A few ideas to visit this spring! To get more ideas and excited for the beautiful Custom Bikes, and Classic Vehicles.
First up is the IAMS 6 t/m 10 April
Click HERE for a list of meetings!